Swap Fees

Swap Fees

In line with standard capital market practices, liquidity providers on the Meridian platform earn fees when users trade against their supplied liquidity. Fees are collected in the swapped token. For instance, in a pool of Meridian's governance token (MDN) and Move Dollar (MOD), a user swapping MOD for MDN results in liquidity providers receiving a portion of the input token, MOD. Meridian LP tokens automatically accrue these fees, representing fractional ownership of the pool.

The fee structure is set by the pool creator and customizable across different asset pool types. The default swap fees are as following:

  • Weighted Pools: 0.15%

  • Concentrated Liquidity Pools: 0.03%

  • Stable Pools: 0.05%

Protocol fees are set at 50%, with the other 50% directly accruing to liquidity providers. For example, a 1.00% fee pool would effectively allocate 0.50% of swap volume to liquidity providers and the protocol treasury, respectively

Last updated